What is tokenization ?

Machine learning models operate on numerical representations of input data. Language models, such as LLMs, work with text input. Tokenization is the process of converting the text into smaller chunks called tokens, which are then assigned numerical representations. The collection of unique tokens forms what we call a vocabulary. It is essentially a dictionary that maps each token to a unique integer. The size of the vocabulary is determined by the number of unique tokens in the corpus.

The vocabulary sizes of some popular LLMs are as follows:

  • GPT-2: The vocabulary size is 50,257.
  • GPT-3: The vocabulary size is approximately 175 billion.
  • Llama 1: The vocabulary size is 32,000.
  • Llama 2: The vocabulary size is also 32,000.

Larger vocabularies allow the model to understand and generate a wider range of words and phrases. However, they also require more computational resources (embedding size and softmax size increases) to train and use.

Broadly there are three types of tokenization we can do:

  1. Character Tokenization: The text is broken down into characters, each character including whitespace and punctuation becomes a token. For example, ‘hello’ would be tokenized as [‘h’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ‘o’].

  2. Word Tokenization: In this method, the text is broken down into words. Each word becomes a token. For example, “it will rain today” would be tokenized as [“it”, “will”, “rain”, “today”].

  3. Sub Word Tokenization: This method splits the text into smaller meaningful units, such as n-grams (sequence of n adjacent symbols). Some of the ways to do subword tokenization are:

    • Byte Pair Encoding (BPE): Merges the frequent pair of tokens into single token.
    • WordPiece:
    • Sentence Piece

Selecting the appropriate tokenization method is crucial for NLP tasks. Incorrect tokenization can cause significant issues in language models (LLMs). The below are some of the reasons why LLMs fails due to tokenization.

  • LLMs struggle with basic text processing tasks like string reversal.
  • They falter in simple arithmetic.
  • LLMs favor YAML over JSON.
  • LLMs halts on encountering text such as ‘<|endoftext|>’.
  • LLMs works poorly for languages other than english.

Visualizing Tokenization

Lets use the tiktokenizer.vercel.app to visualize how GPT-2 splits the text into tokens.

PromptTokenized (GPT-2)
A countryman has a goose that lays a golden egg every day, which he takes to market and sells. He becomes wealthy, but becomes impatient with the goose because it only lays one egg a day.

Token Count: 45

한 시골 사람에게 매일 황금알을 낳는 거위 한 마리가 있는데, 그는 그것을 시장에 내다 팔고 있습니다. 그는 부자가 되었지만 하루에 알을 한 개밖에 낳지 못하는 거위를 참을 수 없게 됩니다.

Token Count: 228

def is_prime(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
        return False
    return True

Token Count: 63

Each color represents a different token. GPT-2 splits English text primarily based on words along with whitespace. Interestingly, “Egg” becomes two tokens: [‘E’, ‘gg’].

The same English text in the Korean language occupies more tokens. This can be due to multiple reasons such as:

  • Dataset Bias: GPT might be trained on datasets with a larger proportion of English text compared to Korean. This can lead the tokenizer to be more efficient at handling English. As a result, it might need more tokens to represent the same meaning in Korean.
  • Korean language characteristics: Korean inherently uses more characters per word than English. This simply means that Korean needs more building blocks to express the same idea, leading to a higher token count.

GPT-2 doesn’t perform well with programming languages like Python. It seems to struggle with Python indentation, often requiring multiple tokens to represent it. On the other hand, GPT-4 excels at identifying Python indentation, resulting in a lower token count for the same code snippet.

Tokenized (GPT-4)Tokenized (GPT-2)

Token Count: 51

Token Count: 63

Context Length

We have discussed the importance of token count and how a tokenizer that can tokenize input using a small number of tokens is desirable. The reason for a lower token count is due to the context length of Language Models (LLMs).

The context length of LLMs is the maximum number of tokens a model can process at once, meaning it is the number of tokens to which the model can attend. Context length plays a crucial role in LLMs and affects their ability to retain and attend to information from very old sequences. This directly impacts the quality of tasks such as summarization, long-term planning, and coherence in conversations.

Therefore, it is essential to have a tokenizer that can efficiently compress and tokenize the input text in the smallest number of tokens possible to take advantage of the available context length.

The context length of some popular LLMs are as follows:

  • GPT-2: 1024 tokens
  • GPT-3: 2048 tokens
  • GPT-4: 32k tokens
  • Llama 1: 2,048 tokens
  • Llama 2: 4,096 tokens


Unicode is a universal standard for character representation, assigning a unique code point (integer) to each character, regardless of platform, device, application, or language. It currently includes 149,813 characters across 161 scripts.

Previously, ASCII was the primary encoding standard, but it was limited by its 7-bit encoding, which only supports 128 characters, enough for English but not other scripts.

Unicode offers several encoding schemes:

  1. UTF-8: Uses one-four bytes per code point. (variable length)

  2. UTF-16: Uses one-two 16-bit units per code point. (variable length)

  3. UTF-32: Uses 32-bit per code point. (fixed length)

UTF-8 is the most used due to its ASCII compatibility. The table below shows the UTF-8 conversion, where ‘x’ represents the bits of the code point. The graphs illustrate the space efficiency of UTF-8 compared to other encoding schemes.

Text: 오늘은 화창한 날이다 ☀️ (today is sunny day)

Below is the snippet to encode the text to utf-8 encoding in python.

# Convert the text into UTF-8 encoded string
text = "오늘은 화창한 날이다 ☀️ (today is sunny day)"
utf_8_encoded = text.encode("utf-8")
print(utf_8_encoded) # b'\xec\x98\xa4\xeb\x8a\x98\xec\x9d\x80 \xed\x99\x94\xec\xb0\xbd\xed\x95\x9c \xeb\x82\xa0\xec\x9d\xb4\xeb\x8b\xa4 \xe2\x98\x80\xef\xb8\x8f (today is sunny day)

# Calculate the size of the encoded string.
print("Size of encoded string: ", len(utf_8_encoded)) # 57 Bytes

Since, unicode already maps the each character to a unique integer, may be we can use it directly for tokenization ? - Using Unicode for tokenization isn’t ideal due to two main reasons:

  1. Unicode’s 149,813 unique characters would result in a large vocabulary, increasing the size of the embedding and softmax layers.
  2. As new characters are added to Unicode regularly, the network would need frequent re-training.

Byte-Pair Encoding

It’s evident from earlier sections that an ideal tokenizer encodes text into the fewest tokens and has a manageable vocabulary size.

Byte-Pair-Encoding (BPE) is a compression method that substitutes the most common byte pair with an unused byte. This byte is added to the vocabulary, creating a new one. This process continues until a set number of iterations are reached or all byte pairs in the input are unique.

Let’s look at an example for clarity.

# Initial text
aaabdaaabac (length: 11)

# Vocabulary

# Byte pairs and their counts
'aa': 4
'ab': 2
'bd': 1
'da': 1
'ba': 1
'ac': 1

Clearly, ‘aa’ is the most frequent pairs. Lets replace it with a new byte ‘Z’.

# New Text
ZabdZabac (length: 9)

# Vocabulary

# Byte pairs and their counts
'Za': 2
'ab': 2
'bd': 1
'dZ': 1
'ba': 1
'ac': 1

This time, ‘Za’ and ‘ab’ are the most frequent pairs. Lets take ‘ab’ and replace it with a new byte ‘X’.

# New Text 
ZXdZXac (length: 7)

# Vocabulary

# Byte pairs and their counts
'ZX': 2
'Xd': 1
'dZ': 1
'Xa': 1
'ac': 1

Repeat this process until no byte pair repeats more than once.

Building a Tokenizer

A tokenizer is independent of LLMs. It produces the output that LLMs process. Think of tokenization as a significant preprocessing step before any LLM-related tasks.

We’ll create a tokenizer using BPE to encode raw UTF text into tokens and decode them back to raw text.

Training Phase

The first step in building the tokenizer is to train it on a sufficiently large dataset containing a variety of languages and code/non-code data. This allows the tokenizer to learn the necessary statistics for the BPE algorithm. The training process involves two main steps: first, obtaining byte pairs and their frequencies, followed by replacing them with new bytes and adding these new bytes to the vocabulary. This process is then repeated for a specified number of iterations to compress the text. The choice of the number of iterations is a hyperparameter—a higher number leads to a larger vocabulary size and fewer tokens, but it’s essential to strike the right balance.

def get_tokens(utf_text):
    Accepts a UTF-8 encoded byte string and returns a
    list of tokens, where each byte is mapped to an
    integer between 0 and 255.
    tokens = [ int(b) for b in utf_text ]
    return tokens

def get_pairs(tokens_list):
    This function takes a list of tokens, performs byte
    pairing, and returns a dictionary containing all
    byte pairs along with their frequencies.
    token_list_len = len(tokens_list)
    idx = 0
    pairs = {}
    for idx in range(token_list_len-1):
        p = (tokens_list[idx], tokens_list[idx+1])
        if p not in pairs.keys():
            pairs[p] = 1
            pairs[p] += 1

def replace_with(tokens, pair_to_replace, replace_with):
    This function accepts the list of tokens along
    with the pair of byte pair to be replaced with.
    Returns a new token list where all the occurrence
    of the pair is replaced with new byte.
    new_tokens = []
    idx = 0
    while(idx < len(tokens)):
        if (idx < len(tokens)-1) and (tokens[idx] == pair_to_replace[0]) and (tokens[idx+1] == pair_to_replace[1]):
            idx += 2
            idx += 1
        return new_tokens

# Tokenizer training starts 

# Read Tokenizer training text in utf-8 format.
with open('filename.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    content = file.read()

# Get the tokens list
tokens = get_tokens(content)

# Number of iters to repeat
num_iters = 10

# new vocab token index
new_token_idx = 256  # 0-255 is already in use.

# Keep track of all the newly created pairs  - order must be retained
merges_dict = {}

for iter in range(0, num_iters):

  pairs = get_pairs(tokens)

  # Get most frequent pair
  max_pair = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)
  max_pair_frq = pairs[max_pair]

  # Replace the most frequent pair with a new single token
  if max_pair_frq > 1:
    new_tokens = replace_pair(tokens, max_pair, new_token_idx)
    assert len(new_tokens) == len(tokens) - max_pair_frq

    if max_pair not in merges_dict.keys():
      merges_dict[max_pair] = new_token_idx

    new_token_idx += 1
    tokens = new_tokens

  print("Iter %d done. Number of tokens: %d. Most freq Pair: %s, Freq: %d."%(iter+1, len(new_tokens), max_pair, max_pair_frq))


After training the tokenizer, we can now encode any UTF-text using it. The following code snippet demonstrates this process.

def encode(text):
    Encodes the input text into tokens.
        text (bytes): Input text in UTF-8 format.
        list: List of raw tokens.
  raw_tokens = [ int(t) for t in text ]
  if len(raw_tokens) >= 2:

    # Get all initial byte pairs
    pairs = get_pairs(raw_tokens)

    # Iterate in same order of merges
    for p in merges_dict.keys():
      if p in pairs.keys():
        # Replace the p
        new_tokens = replace_pair(raw_tokens, p, merges_dict[p])
        raw_tokens = new_tokens

        # Re-calculate new byte pairs
        pairs = get_pairs(raw_tokens)

  return raw_tokens

enc_tokens = encode("hello world!".encode("utf-8"))


The decoding can be done by iterating over the encoded tokens and checking if they lie in merges_dict. For convince, we would need to create a reverse dict of merges_dict to map byte to pairs.

Note: It is important to handle utf-8 decoding errors. The LLMs may spit out invalid utf-8 code points. When handling UTF-8 decoding errors, set the error mode to “replace” to avoid crashes due to invalid characters. This allows continued processing even if some parts are corrupted.

# Create a reverse merge dict 
reversed_merge_dict = {}
for k,v in merges_dict.items():
  reversed_merge_dict[v] = k

def decode(tokens):
    Decodes a list of tokens back into text.

        tokens (list): List of tokens representing encoded data.

        bytes: Decoded text in UTF-8 format.
  decoded_tokens = []
  for token in tokens:
    if token in reversed_merge_dict.keys():
      p = list(reversed_merge_dict[token])
      while True:
        reverse_merge_set = set(reversed_merge_dict.keys())
        p_set = set(p)
        intersec = reverse_merge_set & p_set
        if len(intersec) > 0:
          replace_p = list(intersec)[0]
          index = p.index(replace_p)
          replace_p_tuple = list(reversed_merge_dict[replace_p])
          p = p[0:index] + replace_p_tuple + p[index+1:]
      decoded_tokens += p
      decoded_tokens += [token] 
  return bytes(decoded_tokens)

decoded_tokens = decode(enc_tokens).decode("utf-8", "replace")

Forced Splits in GPT-2

The GPT-2 researchers noticed that Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) merges could result in multiple versions of common words, such as ‘dog,’ ‘dog!,’ and ‘dog?.’ BPE was merging based on punctuation, which was suboptimal because it assigned different vocabulary slots to the same word.

To address this issue, they introduced a rule for splitting input text. These rules were specified using a regex pattern. The regex pattern for GPT-2 is as follows.

import regex as re

# Taken from GPT-2 encoder.py - https://github.com/openai/gpt-2/blob/9b63575ef42771a015060c964af2c3da4cf7c8ab/src/encoder.py#L53C9-L53C113
self.pat = re.compile(r"""'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+""")

print(re.findall(self, "hello've world123 how are you!!!?"))
# ['hello', ''ve', ' world', '123', ' how', ' are', ' you', '!!!?']

This pattern consists of several alternatives and splits the text if any of them matches.

  • Contractions: The initial seven patterns detect contractions and split tokens accordingly.
  • Letters/Characters with Optional Space: The pattern \p{L}+ represents any sequence of letters or characters, which may include optional spaces at the start.
  • Numeric Characters with Optional Space: The pattern \p{N}+ matches any sequence of numeric characters (digits), with optional spaces at the beginning.
  • Non-Letters, Non-Numbers (Punctuation and Special Characters): The pattern [^\s\p{L}\p{N}] identifies any character that is not a space, letter, or number. It specifically targets punctuation marks and other special characters.
  • Whitespace Excluding the Last Space: The expression \s+(?!\S)|\s+ captures any whitespace (spaces, tabs) except for the last space in a sequence.

Once the input text is split, each splited runs BPE through seperately and come up with its compressed form. These BPE merged individual tokens are then concatenated together to form the input. This is done to avoid unwanted pairing/merging of the tokens.

The GPT-4 introduced a better regex pattern.